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Bibliographia Oziana (1988 updated edition)


A regular column in the Club’s journal The Baum Bugle in the 1960s, “Bibliographia Oziana” cataloged the various different editions of the Oz books to try to figure out the publishing history. The first edition of Bibliographia Oziana was published in 1976, but then more was discovered, so a revised, expanded edition came out in 1988. Not only are all forty books of the regular Oz series described, but the various Oz writings of the Royal Historians, with even W. W. Denslow, Dick Martin, and Frank Joslyn Baum are represented.

Red-covered paperback, 1988. Illustrated with black and white photographs. 148 pages.


One of the primary goals of the International Wizard of Oz Club upon its founding was to research and catalog the various different editions of the Oz books and try to figure out the publishing history of each book. “Bibliographia Oziana” was a regular column in the Club’s journal, The Baum Bugle in the 1960s, and that initial research was expanded upon and published in 1976. But even then more was discovered, so a revised, expanded edition of Bibliographia Oziana came out in 1988. Not only are all forty books of the regular Oz series described, but also various other Oz writings of the Royal Historians, and even W. W. Denslow, Dick Martin, and Frank Joslyn Baum are represented. These descriptions are for anyone interested in the publication of the Oz books, including collectors and booksellers who want to know when their books were published.

Each book is described by its textual points, cover, color plates and dust jacket when available, and anything else that might be of interest. Descriptions focus on the earliest editions, but later printings are also noted. Addenda to the book talk about authorized adaptations, and later covers and dust jackets.

Authors Douglas G. Greene and Peter E. Hanff are longtime members of the International Wizard of Oz Club and researchers about L. Frank Baum and the Oz books. They have based much of their work for this edition on the pioneering research of Dick Martin, David L. Greene, and James E. Haff.

Red-covered paperback, 1988. Illustrated with black and white photographs. 148 pages.